Index of packages by categories

Administration Archive Desktop Disc File Games Graphics Mathematics Music Network Printing System


Patch (any) 1.40Application refresher for applications out of maintenance


SparkFS (any) 1.57Filing system to present compressed archives as normal directories
Squash (any) 0.57Lightweight compression to reduce disc space


CloseUp (any) 3.19Desktop magnifier
Flasher (any) 1.10Finding the caret made easy
MemNow (any) 0.08Monitor desktop free memory
ShowScrap (any) 0.09Shortcut to the temporary directory
ThemeDefs (any) 0.12Desktop visual themes used by the Window Manager
Usage (any) 1.04Display CPU time spent by each application


HForm (any) 2.78FileCore disc formatter


T1ToFont (any) 1.37Convert PostScript Type 1 to RISC OS fonts


Blocks (any) 0.15Manoeuvre tumbling blocks before you're bricked in
Hopper (any) 1.05Get the frog safely home avoiding peril
Madness (any) 0.48Desktop window shuffle, it's madness
Meteors (any) 0.22Dodge the asteroids in deep space gameplay
MineHunt (any) 1.18Game to sweep the grid clear of mines
Patience (any) 0.76Single player card game
Puzzle (any) 1.09Sliding tiles game


ChangeFSI (any) 1.70Bitmap image conversion and manipulation


SciCalc (any) 0.91Calculator with scientific mode


Maestro (any) 2.20Musical score composition and playback
MaestroFiles (any) 2.20Sample scores for Maestro


AccessPlus (any) 1.05Extended ShareFS network manager
Internet (any) 6.13Internet network support resources
OmniClient (any) 2.34Network filing system front end


FontPrint (any) 1.37Change the mapping of RISC OS to PostScript fonts
PrintDefs (any) 0.53Printer definitions used by Printer Manager
PrintEdit (any) 0.55Editor of Printer Definition Files
Printers (any) 1.91The Printer Manager


Fonts (any) 0.10Default set of system fonts
Public (any) 0.02Shared directory with other network users
ResetBoot (any) 1.38Restore the boot application to the factory default state
Scrap (any) 1.95System temporary file area
Unicode (any) 0.35Unicode system resources
UserGuideFiles (any) 0.03Sample material referred to by the RISC OS 5 User Guide