Fonts | Version: 0.10 | any |
Default set of system fonts
Required | Nothing |
Recommended | Nothing |
Suggested | Nothing |
Conflicts with | Nothing |
This package is designed to work on a system with the following environment
Public | Version: 0.02 | any |
Shared directory with other network users
Related packagesRequired | Nothing |
Recommended | Nothing |
Suggested | Nothing |
Conflicts with | Nothing |
This package is designed to work on a system with the following environment
ResetBoot | Version: 1.38 | any |
Restore the boot application to the factory default state
Required | Nothing |
Recommended | Nothing |
Suggested | Nothing |
Conflicts with | Nothing |
This package is designed to work on a system with the following environment
Scrap | Version: 1.95 | any |
System temporary file area
Required | Nothing |
Recommended | Nothing |
Suggested | Nothing |
Conflicts with | Nothing |
This package is designed to work on a system with the following environment
Unicode | Version: 0.35 | any |
Unicode system resources
Required | Nothing |
Recommended | Nothing |
Suggested | Nothing |
Conflicts with | Nothing |
This package is designed to work on a system with the following environment
UserGuideFiles | Version: 0.03 | any |
Sample material referred to by the RISC OS 5 User Guide
Required | Nothing |
Recommended | Nothing |
Suggested | Nothing |
Conflicts with | Nothing |
This package is designed to work on a system with the following environment