BackPics+ Version: 1-1 any 


Displays and controls screen backdrops.

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Bas-Help+ Version: 1-1 any 


Gives Help on BASIC keywords.

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Cat Version: 0.30-2  


Graphical file display

Scans a disc or directory and records the files present.

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RequiredMakeDraw (>= 2.50-2)
Conflicts withNothing

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CD_Drawer Version: 1-1 any 


Choose active CD drive + open/close CD drawer + ! Volume app.

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Clipper Version: 0.32-1 any 


Access the contents of the Global Clipboard

Formerly known as Clipboard, Clipper allows the contents of the clipboard to
be saved to disc, or replaced by a file. Data can be saved out by drag and
drop, and existing files can also be placed directly on to the clipboard for
pasting into other applications.
Note that the Clipper utility does not provide cut, copy and paste in
writeable icons on the desktop. For that, the IcnClipBrd utility (available
in the IcnClipBrd package) is required.

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DeskFont Version: 1-1 any 


Easy testing of alternative Desk-Top fonts.

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Dozer Version: 3-5 any 


This provides a selection of screen-savers.

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Float Version: 1.01-1 any 


An alternative Interactive Help client

Float is a floating interactive help application that is intended as a direct
replacement for Help that comes with RISC OS. Instead of displaying the help
messages in a fixed window, Float uses small panes that follow the mouse
All the display options are fully configurable, most from the Choices window
and the rest by editing a text file. Full instructions are given in the Help
file for doing this. It is possible to hide the help from window furniture as
this can be irritating once the basics have been learnt.
Float supports the full set of interactive help messages, including the
expansions used by Help and window tool help.

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GetFiler Version: 1.03-1 any 


GetFiler can save the positions of open directory viewers for reuse

Get Filer is a small application to make the Filer save out the Filer_OpenDir
commands for all the viewers currently open on the Desktop into an Obey file.
This file can then be double-clicked to re-open the viewers, or its contents
can be added to a boot sequence so that viewers are opened when the machine
starts up.
This is the information that would have been included in a 'saved desktop'
file, if one were saved. This is no longer possible under Select or recent
versions of RISC OS 5 anyway.

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IcnClpBrd Version: 0.20-1 arm 


IcnClipBrd brings the global clipboard to writable icons on the desktop

The IcnClipBrd module enables the use of the global clipboard in writable
icons on the desktop using the conventional Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X and Ctrl-V
keypresses along with Ctrl-Z to replace the icon contents with the text on
the clipboard.
In addition, Ctrl-K deletes everything to the left of the caret
(complementing the exiting Ctrl-End to delete to the right of the caret).
Ctrl-E can be used to keep just a DOS file extension (eg. "NOTES/TXT" would
become "/TXT"), while Ctrl-D de-DOSifies a filename (eg. "NOTES/TXT" would
become "Notes").
Finally, Ctrl-S swaps the case of the character at the caret in a writable
icon, and Ctrl-T inserts the current date and/or time in a user-configurable

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Launcher Version: 1.20-1 arm 


Yet Another RISC OS Application Launcher

Launcher is yet another application launcher for RISC OS, which sits to the
side of the desktop and allows applications to be started from a palette of
shortcuts. Multiple bars can be configured to slide out of sight when not in
use, and can be quickly brought back into view with a click of the mouse, or
optionally when the mouse moves over them.
Despite being in use on my desktop since 2003, it took sixteen years and many
nudges from people who saw it on my machine at RISC OS shows and WROCC
meetings to make it out into the wild.

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PCKeys Version: 2.12-1 arm 


Select Acorn- or PC-usage of the Delete key

PC Keyboard is a module to change the use of the Delete, End (Copy) and Home
keys in applications under RISC OS. Historically, the Delete key on RISC OS
has always duplicated Backspace, which is different from the behaviour on
other platforms. On RISC OS 5 this behaviour is changed to the "PC style" and
the OS tries to enforce this, but not all applications follow suit.
The module can be used in three ways:
1. It can be used on RISC OS 5 to convert applications fixed in "Acorn style"
operation over to the "PC style" used by the OS.
2. Alternatively, on RISC OS 5, it can be used to convert the behaviour of
writable icons, and any applications which detect the OS and insist on "PC
style" operation, back to "Acorn style" usage.
3. On all other versions of RISC OS, it can be used to convert the behaviour
of applications and writable icons to "PC style" operation.

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PhotoFiler Version: 2.10-2 arm 


Picture thumbnailing extension for the Filer

PhotoFiler adds "thumbnailing" of pictures to the RISC OS Filer.
With PhotoFiler loaded, file type icons are replaced with a miniature version of the respective picture. This is useful for organising collections of pictures, as it enables you to rapidly identify the contents of a file simply by looking at its icon.
In addition to thumbnailing, PhotoFiler provides additional controls over the presentation of icons in directory displays. You can define your own icons for directories which will be used instead of the usual directory sprites. This is ideal for providing a graphic representation of a directory's purpose.
PhotoFiler also attempts to address a long-standing quirk ­ that of the pling ("!") character in front of application names. These can hidden from view in directory viewers, giving neater looking directory displays.
PhotoFiler requires RISC OS 3.6 or later. RISC OS 3.5 is supported, if the SpriteExtend 0.99 and DrawFile 1.30 modules are available.
PhotoFiler is freeware.

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ShowTime+ Version: 2-1 any 


Display and maniplate pictures of various filetypes.

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Snapper Version: 1.34-1 arm 


A versatile screen capture utility

Snapper allows you to save a specified area of the screen as a sprite, png or jpeg. The modes of operation of Snapper are (a) save the entire screen area (b) save a window complete with title bar and scroll bars (c) save the contents of a window (d) save the area inside a user definable box.

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ToggleBD Version: 1.09-1  


Easy access to items pinned to the backdrop.

One of the useful features of the Pinboard module is the ability to pin objects (applications, directories and files) to the backdrop.
Getting at those pinned objects can be difficult though when you have (many) windows open that are covering the pinned objects.
ToggleBD allows you to raise the backdrop (bring it to the front of the window stack) making it easy to get at these pinned objects. When done the backdrop can be lowered again.

Related packages
RecommendedStrongHelp (>= 2.87-4)
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Toolbar Version: 1.23-1 arm 


Pull-down application launcher

Toolbar is pull-down bar which sits at the top of your desktop. It can be used to launch applications, run files and open directories. It can be configured to reside on either on the top left or right-hand side of the desktop and stores the names of up to 32 different objects.
You can run it multiple times to get more bars.

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Transient Version: 2.09-1  


Provides temporary storage for your day to day files.

Transient is a utility which provides a temporary directory on your hard disc, creating a new subdirectory every day to help you organise files.
You can use it like a RAM disc - drag files to it, save files to it - but the files will remain on the hard disc until you delete them.
If desired directories can be expired automatically when they've reached a certain age.

Related packages
RecommendedStrongHelp (>= 2.90-1)
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WinScroll Version: 0.52-1 arm 


Pan around any window on the desktop

Windows Scroll is a small module to provide the 'joystick-like' window
scrolling, using the mouse, as found on some MS Windows applications.
Clicking Ctrl-Menu over a window with scroll bars will allow the window to be
scrolled at variable speed by moving the mouse away from a 'centre point' on
the screen.
It does not require a wheel-mouse to work.

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